Art of Proprietation

Monday, July 30, 2007

Goat Ice Cream and interviewees

We made Ice cream with our goat milk cream today. We've been milking since the middle of May when we got the goats. We haven't needed to buy milk since that day. We get about 3/4s of a gallon a day, about six pounds. That's perfect for our usage. It is enough daily drinking milk and my wife makes cheese with any that builds up.

Lately, we have begun saving cream to make ice cream. If the milk sits a day in the fridge, there is nearly an inch of cream on top that we spoon off into a jar. It can be pretty amazing the amount of cream that appears. So, in about a week we gathered enough cream for a batch of ice cream. To cap it off, the black berries have come into season and we will have them on top of our goat ice cream.

In Rooming house News, we interviewed a new tennant today. He was a referal from a local business whose employees we have housed in the past. That is a model that I have wanted to cultivate, contacting human resources managers at local businesses and offering our services to their new employees, interns and contract employees. It certainly worked well in this situation. We know from past experience that their employees are kept busy and don't have a lot of down time. And that is just who we like to cater to. People who have a busy life and need a place that is supportive instead a bunch of details they need to find time to deal with.

I would say it was a good day all around.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Animal Roll Call

Sorry, this is yet another non rooming house related post. A silly game of Tag on the internet...

The Pile of Omelays blog challenged for animal roll calls from readers.
Here's ours:

Seven Guinea Chicks
Two Jouvenile Guineas
Two Mix Breed Ausgtralorps
Two Rhode Island Reds
One Plymouth Rock
Three Orpingtons (two buff, one white)
Six Adult Guineas
One Dog
Two Cats
Two Saanen Dairy Goats
One baby
One Wife
One Proprietor
A Cobolt Programmer
A Marketing Student
And Bob

I admit I had to make individual distinctions to make our list longer, but, well, that's the way it is.

The Proprietor