New Residents
These are the newest residents at in the household. No they don't get Cynthia's room. In fact, they don't come in the house at all. But Cynthia had been looking forward to meeting them. Part of the glorious summer Cynthia missed.
These are Saanen dairy goats. I got one from breeder and two from a friend. The little one we call Stu. Well, Stew, really, but we like to be subtle about it. More about that some other time.
The two adults are females, both are milking now. Between the two of them, we get about a gallon of milk a day. That may sound like a lot to some households, but both my wife and I drink milk with meals and our son will soon enough. Three people drinking milk adds up pretty quick. And we are getting a little help from the juvenile, he drinks about 2 lbs of milk a day. Someday we hope to have enough ambition to make cheese and yogurt.

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