Apple Picking

This is the Apple tree that came with the house I bought...
The farmhouse we live and work in was built in 1893 and the family that built the house produced cider from their orchard. This is the last tree I have left on my land from them. It's a very old tree and it doesn't produce every year. But this is a good year.

We picket about 40 pounds today. They aren't super pretty. They've got some lumps. But they taste pretty good. And they are ours.
Gorgeous apples, and cute kid. We have a HOME ORCHARD SOCIETY here, do you have something like that in your area. Every fall, you can take in apples, and any info you can tell them about the tree, such as bloom time, age of tree, homestead, planted or seedling, etc. Usually they can tell you what you have. Some apples are just biennial bearers and others bear every year. Some of our trees date to 1881 and are still producing a huge crop if the weather conditions are right at time of pollination.
That pie is almost too pretty to eat!
Throwback at Trapper Creek, at 8:44 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look around and see if there is a orchard society around here.
MMP, at 4:46 AM
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