I really like cattle Panel structures. We use them for green houses, animal shelters and storage buildings. CPS structures are robust, inexpensive, simple to erect, flexible and reusable. This is a pretty good example. These materials were a wood shed over the winter, a shelter for young kids this spring, a tool shed and now an on site milking shed in our new pasture away from the house. In about an hour today, by myself I
disassembled it, hand carried it to a new location, sited and re-erected it all with just a sledge hammer to drive the stakes.
This shelter consists of one 16 foot by 52 inch panel that I bend into a U six feet tall and eight feet wide. I used an eight foot section for the back wall. There is a tarp over the top with bail ties to hold it on. Two stakes anchor it to the ground. That's about $45 worth of cattle panel and $5 worth of tarp. If I wanted a larger structure, I would add successive panels, each adding about four feet to the length. The
back wall is not strictly necessary, but I had the panel available and it is a
convenient way to make the structure resilient. The tarp will last about a year, the cattle panel I expect to last ten or more years. The stakes and the bail ties are leftovers from previous uses.

To move the existing structure, I just untie the tarp and remove the back wall

Remove the stakes and tip the arched panel on it's side.

I folded up the tarp and stacked it with the back wall on the main panel. I lashed the stakes onto the bottom of main panel to make skids so I wouldn't scrape the galvanized coating off. Then I simply dragged it to the new location, maybe 500 feet away, up a hill and into the new pasture.

In the new location, I erected the arch, lashed the back wall on and staked down the front opening.

Stretching the tarp over it and tying it down finished it. Under an hour and nothing more complicated than a lashing. It will give us a sun shelter for the goats in their new pasture. When the goats move on to their next paddock it will become a milking shed. After that, the sky's the limit.
Labels: Cattle panel structure, CPS, Stock panel
You are the King... of CPS!
I will uncharacteristically restrain myself from commenting on the second word in the title.
Did you notice the CP cylinder in the front yard that I am going to make our next chicken yurt with?
I have not mastered your chicken silo erection method.
The wire was not a heavy enough gage and became flaccid on one side from the weight of the hay on top. I am not worthy
Not enough hoop strength. The cattle panel will take care of that.
As tigger say's
Wanna BEE Farm, at 3:24 PM
Thanks for the goat advice. Can you redo the link you left; I've tried it a couple of times and it says the page is no longer in existence.
Anonymous, at 7:14 PM
How big is the tarp used for that shelter?
Anonymous, at 5:47 PM
I think that was a 12 x 16 foot tarp. That's the cut size, not finished size, so it's a little smaller than that. So, 16 feet goes up and over the arch (the stock pannel is 16 feet long) and that leaves 12 feet to cover the width of the stock panel (4 feet) and the rest to hang down to the ground.
That's for a single panel of stock panel. That's what I use for a feeding station or cover for couple of kids or two or three adults in the summer/spring and fall. For winter weather or more goats, I add more stock pannels.
The tarp lasts a longer if you can lay it flat, so a 12x16 tarp is just the right size for three panels. This way the tarp doesn't make the corner to hang down to the ground. If I find the need to cover the end in this situation, a six foot long section of a 10 foot wide roll of 6 mil construction plastic is the right size to cover the end. I attach the 6X10 piece with some Staples 1 inch binder clips to the end of the frame and then lay the tarp over the frame.
If this hasn't been enough CPS talk or you, I have written at some length about Cattle panel Structures and you can find more at:
MMP, at 7:36 AM
If that Link is getting cut off, try this
CPS Writtings
MMP, at 7:43 AM
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