Goat Ice Cream and interviewees
Lately, we have begun saving cream to make ice cream. If the milk sits a day in the fridge, there is nearly an inch of cream on top that we spoon off into a jar. It can be pretty amazing the amount of cream that appears. So, in about a week we gathered enough cream for a batch of ice cream. To cap it off, the black berries have come into season and we will have them on top of our goat ice cream.
In Rooming house News, we interviewed a new tennant today. He was a referal from a local business whose employees we have housed in the past. That is a model that I have wanted to cultivate, contacting human resources managers at local businesses and offering our services to their new employees, interns and contract employees. It certainly worked well in this situation. We know from past experience that their employees are kept busy and don't have a lot of down time. And that is just who we like to cater to. People who have a busy life and need a place that is supportive instead a bunch of details they need to find time to deal with.
I would say it was a good day all around.